drewcoll@gmail.com (+1 206 552 8863)

    Drew Collins

    I’m a self-taught web developer and designer with a passion for user experience design.


    Interaction Design

    User research, personas, wireframing, prototyping, user testing

    Visual Design

    Graphics, video editing, mapping, data visualization


    Sketch, Photoshop, Adobe Creative Suite, InVision, Axure, UXPin, Marketo

    Web Development

    HTML, CSS, SASS, Javascript, PHP, Git, responsive design, web accessibility, analytics


    UW College of the Environment

    Web Developer and UX Lead | 2015 – Present
    Web and Graphics Specialist | 2013 – 2015

    Built a responsive WordPress multi-site network with dozens of department websites. Designed multiple sites and tools informed by conducting surveys, focus groups, prototyping and user testing. Found consensus between students, faculty, and staff. Facilitated content strategy, information architecture, project management and design discussions for new and redesigned sites.


    University of Washington

    B.A. in Community, Environment, and Planning
    B.A. in Environmental Studies

    Minored in Urban Design and Planning, and Landscape Studies. Member of Washington Yacht Club, Climbing Club, CEP Community Engagement Committee, and CEP Executive Committee.

    Activities and Interests

    • An Event Apart Conference 2014 & 2016
    • Seattle Interactive Conference 2016 & 2017
    • CASE Gold Award 2015 – UW College of the Environment Faculty Profiles
    • School of Visual Concepts UX Fundamentals

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    Drew Collins